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List of Research Topics

Top10 Topic - Year 2024
  1. The Power of AI and Machine Learning
  2. Financial Fraud and Investor Awareness
  3. How New Technologies and Innovations are Transforming the Decisions of Firms and Investors
  4. Analysis of Young Investors Behavior and Investment Decision in Capital Market
  5. Law and Regulation as Safeguards for Investors Against Crime in Capital Market Sector
  6. Factors Influencing Investor Expectations in the Thai Capital Market
  7. Strategies and Policies to Stimulate and Develop Capital Markets
  8. The Relationship of ESG Rating and Firm Value
  9. Investor Rights and Protection Mechanism in Mutual Fund Industry
  10. Crimination of Fraud Crimes in Capital Market Transaction

Top10 Topic - Year 2023
  1. Big data for fraud prevention 
  2. Generative AI for investment advisory 
  3. ESG performance index and risk scoring 
  4. Corporate sustainability and risk management 
  5. Crimination of fraud crimes in capital market transaction 
  6. Corporate governance and financial risk disclosure 
  7. ESG scoring and assessment based on Natural Language Processing (NLP) 
  8. Effect of fraudulent practice on market capitalization 
  9. Conflict of interest in capital market transactions 
  10. Laws and regulations on merger and acquisition (M&A) 

Top10 Topic - Year 2022
  1. Valuation of digital assets
  2. Analysis of risk aversion and strategic investment behavior by region/generation
  3. High-frequency data and volatility index
  4. Cybersecurity in Thai capital markets
  5. Green investment and tax incentives in the capital market
  6. Corporate sustainability and risk management
  7. Digital and labor transformation of Thai-listed companies
  8. Understanding investor interaction with firm information
  9. Natural Language Processing (NLP) and investor sentiment from social media/news/financial reports
  10. Crypto & digital solutions supporting the capital market value chains