Educational Background
The Ohio State University
Ph.D. in Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics
The Ohio State University
M.Sc. in Economics
Asian Institute of Technology
M.Sc. in Regional and Rural Development Planning
Kasetsart University
B.E. in Economics
Current Affiliation
Kasetsart University
Nattanicha Chairassamee received a Ph.D. in Applied Economics from The Ohio State University, USA. Currently, she is a lecturer in Economics Department at Kasetsart University, Thailand. She is an applied economist whose interests lie at the intersection of regional and urban economics, labor economics, and behavioral economics. Her recent work focuses on the causes and consequences of diverging economic growth across U.S. urban and rural areas, and also individual migration decisions, and geographic differences in labor market outcomes both in Thailand and USA. She is also interested in financial behaviors and interventions of investors and students.
regional and urban economics, labor economics, behavioral economics.